On Wednesday, the Maharashtra government announced that a music academy will be built in Mumbai in memory of the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar who passed away on February 6 at the age of 92. Reportedly, the museum will be built in the Kalina Campus of Mumbai University.
Lata Mangeshkar passed away due to COVID-19 related complications. The singer's last rites were performed at the Shivaji Park in Mumbai on Sunday evening. The Bharat Ratna awardee was laid to rest with full state honours.
Meanwhile, a couple of days back, Bhartiya Janta Party MLA Ram Kadam had requested Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray to dedicate a memorial to the late singer at the Shivaji Park. At present, there is a memorial dedicated to Balasaheb Thackeray at Shivaji Park.
Meanwhile, on Monday, the Madhya Pradesh administration declared to set up a music academy and a museum in remembrance of veteran artist Lata Mangeshkar at her birthplace, Indore. A monument of the singer will also be established in Indore. Along with these, a state award will be named after the late Lata Mangeshkar, which would be given to artists on the occasion of her birth anniversary.