Ranbir Kapoor recently shared his thoughts on portraying Lord Ram in Nitesh Tiwari's highly anticipated film, Ramayana. Speaking at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, the actor revealed that he feels deeply honored to take on the role, describing it as a dream come true.
Ranbir said, “I am currently working on Ramayana, which is the greatest story around. My childhood friend Namit Malhotra, somebody who is so passionately making this book, has got the best of all the artistes, all the creative people, the crew. It is directed by Nitesh Tiwari.”
Ranbir Kapoor disclosed that he has completed filming the first part of Ramayana and will soon begin shooting for the second part. He added, “It has two parts. I have finished the shooting of Part 1 and will shoot Part 2 soon. Just to be a part of that story, I am so humbled to essay Ram’s role. It’s a dream for me. It’s a film that has everything. It teaches what Indian culture is about — family dynamics and husband-wife dynamics.”
Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana features Ranbir Kapoor as Ram, Sai Pallavi as Sita, and Yash as Ravana, who is also co-producing the film. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter India, Yash emphasized the importance of approaching characters with depth and realism. He added, “If the character is treated like a character… if this doesn’t happen today, then the film won’t happen. To make a film with that kind of budget, you need those kinds of actors to come together.”
Arun Govil and Lara Dutta are also set to play pivotal roles in Ramayana, with reports suggesting that Sunny Deol has been approached for the role of Hanuman, though no official announcement has been made yet.
The first part of the film is scheduled for a Diwali 2026 release, followed by the second part on Diwali 2027
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