Another Bollywood pair has tied the knot. Following years of relationship, Shershaah co-stars Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani got hitched in a beautiful ceremony on February 7. The couple shared a slew of photos from their ceremony on Tuesday night. Following them, Karan Johar took to Instagram to pen a heartfelt note for the star couple. Sharing an adorable wedding picture of Sidharth Malhotra kissing Kiara Advani on the cheek, Karan Johar wrote, “I met him a decade and a half ago…. Silent, strong and still so sensitive…. I met her many years after… silent, strong and so sensitive in equal measure…Then they met each other and I realised in that moment that the these two pillars of strength and dignity can make an irreplaceable bond and create the most magical love story together…. Watching them is a fairy tale that is rooted in tradition and family." He continued, “As they exchanged vows on a mandap of mohabbat everyone around them felt the pulse…felt the energy… I sat proud, elated and bursting with only love for the two of them! I love you Sid…. I love you Ki…. May today be your forever…..” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Karan Johar (@karanjohar) On the work front, Kiara Advani was last seen in Govinda Naam Mera. She will next star in Satyaprem Ki Katha alongside Kartik Aaryan and RC15 with South superstar Ram Charan. Meanwhile, Sidharth Malhotra was most recently seen in Mission Majnu. He has the Rohit Shetty cop series Indian Police Force as well as Yodha with Raashii Khanna and Disha Patani slated for release. ALSO READ: Sidharth Malhotra – Kiara Advani Wedding: First photos of Shershaah couple are ethereal: 'Ab humari permanent booking hogayi hai'