Bollywood's beloved pair Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani have officially tied the knot. The Shershaah, who have been dating for a couple of years, got hitched on February 7. As the wedding festivities took place at Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer, the couple hosted fancy ceremonies in presence of their families and friends. Now, the couple has taken to Instagram to share the first pictures from their wedding ceremony. Both Sidharth and Kiara took to their respective social media accounts to share photos from the wedding. The caption read, "“Ab humari permanent booking hogayi hai” We seek your blessings and love on our journey ahead." View this post on Instagram A post shared by KIARA (@kiaraaliaadvani) At the wedding, actors Shahid Kapoor, Juhi Chawla, producer-director Karan Johar, Mira Rajput, and designer Manish Malhotra among others were present. On Koffee With Karan last year, Kiara revealed that she and Sidharth met for the first time after the wrap-up party of the 2018 Netflix film, Lust Stories. She starred in Karan Johar’s film from the anthology Lust Stories. Recalling the time, she said, “Sid and I know each other from before we were cast in Shershaah.” Karan Johar revealed, “Yes, much before”, to which Kiara said, “Yes at the wrap party of Lust Stories which we crashed.” Karan further added, “We crashed a friend’s house and the cast of Lust Stories as we had and Sid also came to the party and that’s where you and Sid met for the first time.” In another episode of KWK last year, Karan asked Sidharth about his Shershaah co-star and girlfriend Kiara Advani, and whether he has plans to marry her. Sidharth dodged the question and said, “I am manifesting a happier and brighter future.” When asked, “With Kiara?” Sidharth smiled as he answered, “If it was her, it would be great.” On the work front, Kiara Advani was last seen in Govinda Naam Mera. She will next star in Satyaprem Ki Katha alongside Kartik Aaryan and RC15 with South superstar Ram Charan. Meanwhile, Sidharth Malhotra was most recently seen in Mission Majnu. He has the Rohit Shetty cop series Indian Police Force as well as Yodha with Raashii Khanna and Disha Patani slated for release. ALSO READ: Sidharth Malhotra – Kiara Advani Wedding: DJ Ganesh, Mishaal Advani, Hari-Sukhmani entertain guests at the grand mehendi ceremony