Kainaat Arora made a memorable and unique debut in Bollywood. Unlike other actors, she started her career with an item song – ‘Aila Re Aila’ – in Akshay Kumar-starrer Khatta Meetha (2010). The song became a rage and hence she got noticed. She followed it up by working in the super-hit sex comedy, Grand Masti (2013). Down South, she managed to work with superstars like Ajith and Mohanlal. She is now busy with Deepak Tijori’s next, Tipppsy in which she is seen alongside four other actress – Natasha Suri, Nazia Hussain, Alankrita Sahai and Sonia Birje. Directed by Deepak Tijori, the actress had a blast playing the role of a Haryanvi character in the comic thriller.
Bollywood Hungama visited the sets of Tipppsy and spoke to Kainaat Arora about the film and her character. The topic then steered towards her working in Grand Masti. She explained that it was an important career move, “When I was doing Grand Masti, I was told that ‘insaan ke jeevan mein navras hote hai, jisme se ek ras hota hai shringaar raas. Toh har ras try karne chahiye.”
While Kainaat Arora rocked the show in ‘Aila Re Aila’, the hit track was also recreated in Rohit Shetty’s cop drama, Sooryavanshi (2021). Akshay Kumar, who featured in the original, was seen in the remix as well, along with Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh. Sooryavanshi belonged to Rohit Shetty’s cop universe and hence, Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh were seen playing Singham and Simmba respectively.