In February, Tamannaah Bhatia had kickstarted the shoot of her upcoming film Babli Bouncer directed by Madhur Bhandarkar. Now, the team has wrapped up the first schedule of the film in Punjab. The film is a delightful coming-of-age fictional story of a female bouncer, set in the real ‘bouncer town’ of North India – Asola Fatepur.
On Thursday night, Tamannaah took to her Instagram feed to announce the first schedule wrap of the film. The team celebrated the same with cake cutting on the sets of the film. Sharing the videos from the schedule wrap, the actress wrote, "Time flies when you're having the best time everrr! I can't believe that it's already a wrap on the first schedule of #bablibouncer @imbhandarkar sir you are the reason the set reverberates with such a childlike ,happy and peaceful energy, we have worked non stop but never even at one point felt like we were at work. Thank you for bringing out the best in me and I can’t wait to get back to shoot very soon."
"A big shoutout to all the girls who at 6 am in the morning walked our lil imaginary ramp . Work is a party with you girls," she added.
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Babli Bouncer explores the unseen world of bouncers, also stars Saurabh Shukla along with Abhishek Bajaj and Sahil Vaid in pivotal roles. Produced by Fox Star Studios and Junglee Pictures, Babli Bouncer is directed by Madhur Bhandarkar and stars Tamannaah Bhatia, in the lead. Concept, story, and screenplay: Amit Joshi, Aradhana Debnath, and Madhur Bhandarkar. The movie will release by the end of this year in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.