Beautiful Malaika Arora has uploaded a post starring veteran actress Kirron Kher as the former makes her comeback on prominent TV show India's Got Talent Season 9. In the post, Malaika is seen kissing Kirron, while the latter twinkles her million-dollar tootsie. Both the actresses looked stunning-Kirron Kher, as usual, can be seen wearing a beautiful saree, accessorising her look with an emerald necklace. While Malaika Arora, on the other hand, glows in a silver sequin gown. Sharing the image on Instagram, she wrote, "Reunited with the one n only , the OG kirronkhermp ..... love you ma'am #igt sonytvofficial"
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For the uninformed, Malaika Arora has been judging the reality-based TV show India's Got Talent since its initial season, before being restored by actress Shilpa in the current season. However, as per the reports doing rounds, Shilpa has taken a break, and this weekend, Malaika will be filling her seats.
Also, Malaika Arora shared a tight bond with veteran actress Kirron Kher, who made a comeback to the sets of India's Got Talent Season 9, after cancer treatment. The 69-year-old actress was previously diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, last year. However, she proceeded to work from home before joining the panel of India's Got Talent Season 9.