The Kapil Sharma Show team has begun the shoot of their comedy show. The show returns after almost a year and the first guests will be Bellbottom cast. Actor Archana Puran Singh, who is the judge on the show, shared an update on her Instagram. She promised lots of laughter as the show returns with an all-new avatar.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Singh wrote, “and so it begins…First Day. First Shoot. New season. #thekapilsharmashow #tkss New beginnings are always exciting. They bring hope and adventure. (they also bring money) The #teamtkss is supercharged and enthusiastic and the positivity and camaraderie on set is a joy to behold. Much love.”
She is heard saying in the video, “A quick update on The Kapil Sharma Show. It’s going to start very very soon. I am sure you are as excited as us, actually, we are more excited. There is so much ‘nayapan’ in the show, we have surprises for all of you. But we have the same old josh and ‘bharpoor’ laughter and entertainment. We are so happy to be back again.”
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The Kapil Sharma Show will mostly return on August 21.