Actors Charu Asopa and Rajeev Sen are all set to welcome their first baby together. The couple had a baby shower ceremony at their new house with their entire family. Rajeev’s sister Sushmita Sen was also seen attending the ceremony with boyfriend Rohman. The gorgeous photos from the ceremony got viral in no time.
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In the photos, Sushmita was seen performing the godh bharai rituals with sister-in-law Charu as they both were equally excited to welcome the baby in their family. Sushmita was also seen giving blessings to her brother Rajeev.
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Charu and Rajeev were seen in traditional attires as they were all smiling for the camera. Charu looked gorgeous in the floral jewellry and the piliya saree which she bought from her hometown, Bikaner. While Rajeev wore a blue badge saying he’s a father to be, Charu carried a pink sachet with mommy to be written on it.
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The couple announced their good news in May. Talking with a leading daily, Charu said, "Rajeev and I were planning this for quite some time but you know these things never happen according to your planning. When we had given up, we got a surprise. I learnt this in my 4th week."
The Sen family is looking forward to welcome the new member as they all posed for the camera. The entire family got together on Raksha Bandhan and made it even more special. Everything about the ceremony was executed perfectly.
Also Read: Sushmita Sen, Ram Madhvani completes the schedule of Aarya Season 2