In a heartwarming gesture, Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan and director Kabir Khan will attend the Arjuna Award ceremony to celebrate the achievements of Murlikant Patekar, a renowned Indian para-athlete. As soon as the news broke that Patekar would be honored with the prestigious Arjuna Award, Kartik and Kabir congratulated him and decided to be part of this momentous occasion.
Interestingly, Kartik Aaryan had portrayed the role of Murlikant Patekar in the film Chandu Champion, which was based on Patekar's inspiring true story. The film highlighted Patekar's remarkable journey and struggles, and Kartik's performance was critically acclaimed.
Patekar's story, which was left incomplete in the film with his Arjuna Award win, will finally see its culmination tomorrow. Kartik and Kabir's presence at the ceremony will undoubtedly make this moment even more special for Petkar.
A true champion, Patekar has been an inspiration to millions, and this award is a testament to his dedication and perseverance. Kartik and Kabir's gesture is a fitting tribute to Patekar's achievements.
The Arjuna Award ceremony will take place tomorrow, January 17, and Kartik Aaryan and Kabir Khan will be in attendance to celebrate Patekar's achievement.
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