Pakistani actress Mahira Khan recently revisited the turbulent time in her life following the viral picture of her smoking with Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor on the streets of New York. Speaking with BBC Asian Network, Mahira admitted she feared for her career and faced immense emotional turmoil, saying, “I wouldn’t get out of bed; I was crying daily.”
Mahira Khan recalls asking herself "Is my career over?" The Humsafar actress revealed that the controversy surrounding the viral photo deeply impacted both her personal and professional life. Mahira recalled reading an article titled The Little White Dress, published by the BBC, after the picture went viral. "I remember reading it and thinking, 'Is my career over?'" she said.
The article analyzed Mahira’s meteoric rise to fame and questioned if the backlash from the incident would lead to her downfall. "I told myself, 'Are you mad? This is going to end,' but I won't lie — that time was very tough," Mahira confessed. Mahira Khan says “Affected my professional and personal life” The viral photo not only sparked rumors of a relationship between Mahira and Ranbir Kapoor but also led to a significant backlash against the actress for smoking in public. "It affected my professional and personal life. Lots happened on my personal side," Mahira said, adding that she chose to remain silent despite the controversy.
On a personal level, Mahira leaned on her role as a mother to her son Azlan and made decisions that prioritized his well-being. Professionally, she chose to stay quiet, trusting that time would eventually heal the situation. “All the brands called me and said, ‘We are with you,’” Mahira recalled, expressing gratitude for the support she received.
Despite the challenges, Mahira Khan has consistently bounced back. Last year, she married Salim Karim, moving forward from her previous marriage to Ali Askari, with whom she shares her 13-year-old son. The actress is also preparing for her next big project, Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo, a Netflix series set to release next year. The show reunites her with co-stars Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed.
Also Read: Mahira Khan recalls son Azlan walking her down the aisle: “It was a very big moment”