Pakistani actress Mahira Khan, who starred alongside Shah Rukh Khan in the 2017 film Raees, has once again addressed online criticism. Often vocal about her admiration for Shah Rukh in interviews, Mahira frequently faces accusations of seeking attention by mentioning his name. Speaking at the 2024 Aalami Urdu Conference in Karachi, the actress responded to trolls with confidence. When asked about her experience of working with Shah Rukh, she admitted it's a question she’s frequently asked, but added she never is never tired of discussing the King of Bollywood.
“Mujhse koi poochhta hai toh main uska jawab deti hoon. Phir logon ko lagta hai ke main unke baare mein baat kar rahi hoon. Main apne aap kabhi nahin baat karti unke baare mein,” Mahira explained, addressing the trolling she faces on social media. Often accused of using Shah Rukh Khan's name for publicity, Mahira reacted to the criticism, saying, “Mujhe yeh hota hai ke aap mujhse poochhiye hi nahin unke baare mein phir.”
Shah Rukh Khan and Mahira Khan delivered an unforgettable on-screen pairing in Raees (2017), directed by Rahul Dholakia. Their chemistry resonated strongly with audiences, with Mahira portraying Shah Rukh’s love interest in a compelling and layered performance that received widespread praise.
The song ‘Zaalima’ from Raees, sung by Arijit Singh and Harshdeep Kaur, beautifully captured the chemistry between Shah Rukh Khan and Mahira Khan.
In a conversation with casting director Mukesh Chhabra on his YouTube channel, director Rahul Dholakia once revealed that several actresses, including Deepika Padukone, Kareena Kapoor, and Anushka Sharma, were initially considered for the role. However, due to various reasons, they couldn't take up the part. Ultimately, Mahira Khan was cast, coincidentally being in Mumbai during the casting process.
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