Telugu actor Vijay Deverakonda recently had an unfortunate mishap while promoting his latest music video, ‘Sahiba’. A video clip that quickly went viral on social media captured the moment the actor slipped on the stairs during a promotional event at a Mumbai college.
In the video, Vijay, dressed in a brown suit, is seen descending the stairs when he loses his balance and falls. His co-stars, Radhika Madan and Stebin Ben, were quick to react, rushing to his side to ensure he was alright. Despite the awkward incident, Vijay remained composed and gracefully recovered from the fall. His team also swiftly intervened to shield him from further attention.
#VijayDeverakonda slipped ???????? Em kaledhu kadha kondanna ????
— ???????????????????????????? (@saikiranM8721) November 8, 2024
This minor mishap follows another recent incident in which Vijay sustained a minor injury while filming an action sequence for his upcoming project, tentatively titled VD 12. Fortunately, the injury was not severe, and the actor could continue filming without any significant delays.
VD 12 is a highly anticipated spy action thriller that has generated considerable buzz. The film is set to feature Bhagyashri Borse as the female lead, although the full cast and crew details are yet to be officially announced. The movie is scheduled for a global release on March 28, 2025. ALSO READ: Vijay Deverakonda and Radhikka Madan tease audiences by dropping timeless classic photos of each other; fans wonder what’s brewing