Earlier in the week, Kartik Aaryan was spotted at the Maddock Office, sparking speculations if the duo are teaming up again after Lukka Chuppi and Love Aaj Kal. At the same time, Karan Johar too was present, leading the media to speculate about a massive collaboration between three giant forces - Dinesh Vijan, Kartik Aaryan, and Karan Johar.
But our exclusive sources confirm that Kartik had his reasons for meeting Dinesh Vijan. "Kartik Aaryan had requested a meeting with Dinesh Vijan and on meeting, has asked him about the films on his slate. Dinoo opened up about all that he is making for the big screen, and Kartik in return inquired about the bigger projects in making, as he wishes to scale up post Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3," a trade source informed Bollywood Hungama.
The source adds, "Kartik in particular inquired about the possibilities of Cocktail 2 with him in the lead, as he is a big fan of the first film, especially the part of Deepika Padukone. The conversation ended on an open-ended note with the hope of teaming up on a project soon. Dinesh Vijan is also excited to partner with Kartik Aaryan, after the success he has achieved through his own efforts with the Bhool Bhulaiyaa franchise."
The source also informed us about the fact that Dinesh Vijan and Kartik Aaryan discussed the possibilities of a Luka Chuppi sequel too. "Luka Chuppi is a big hit and they have also given a thought on Luka Chuppi 2. We will get a clear idea in the next month, but both Dinesh Vijan and Kartik Aaryan are very keen to partner and take forward a franchise, as Bhool Bhulaiyaa has proved how strong a combo - franchise + Kartik is in the modern world," the source told us further.
Also Read: Trade experts congratulate Kartik Aaryan for winning the Singham Again vs Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 clash: “To go past Singham Again is a humongous achievement for Kartik. For him, it’s not a jump; it’s a LEAP”