Rajkummar Rao and Patralekha have frequently inspired their fans with their thoughtful gestures promoting 'equality' in their relationship. From Rajkummar requesting Patralekha to apply sindoor on him during their wedding, to touching her feet on Karwachauth, their actions have often made headlines. Recently, Rajkummar shared the reasoning behind asking his wife to apply sindoor on him at their wedding, a ritual typically performed by the groom on the bride's forehead.
In a candid interview with journalist Barkha Dutt on Mojo Story, Stree 2 actor Rajkummar Rao shared the thought process behind his meaningful gesture. He explained that he noticed Patralekha wearing traditional bridal items like sindoor, mangalsutra, and chooda, while he only wore a ring.
This observation led him to reflect on the concept of ‘equality’ in their relationship. “At that moment, it was very impulsive. I thought, why is it just her wearing the sindoor, mangalsutra, and chooda? She had to do so much, and I was just wearing a ring. I told her, You should also put sindoor on me. It should be equal,” he said.
Patralekha was deeply touched by the thoughtful gesture from Rajkummar Rao, and the couple was overjoyed during the moment. However, they didn’t expect it to receive such widespread attention. Rajkummar explained, "She knows me well, so this was something she expected from me. But I'm glad it touched so many hearts."
In addition to the meaningful ritual of applying sindoor on each other's foreheads, Rajkummar Rao and Patralekha also asked the Pandit at their wedding to explain the significance of each mantra he recited, so they could fully understand and embrace them. Rajkummar shared a humorous moment from the ceremony and said, “There was one vachan that said she couldn't get angry at me. I immediately said, 'This one is not happening, it's not valid.'"
Rajkummar Rao and Patralekha started dating in 2010 and got married in a private ceremony in Chandigarh on November 15, 2024.
On the work front, Rajkummar was last seen in Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video, where he starred alongside Triptii and Mallika Sherawat.
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