On Tuesday, AR Rahman took the nation by shock as he announced separation from his wife after 29 years of marriage. While his kids have requested privacy and addressed the media showcasing their support towards their family and parents, another divorce note which was from the musical maestro’s bassist Mohini Dey has further added to the speculations. Considering that the musician announced soon after the maestro shared this life update has got netizens talking.
Mohini Dey, who has performed for AR Rahman for many years, incidentally announced her divorce on the same day as the latter which has fueled up rumours. After the musician’s lawyers addressed the same earlier this week, now Dey too has decided to speak up on it. While she maintained silence all this while, on Friday, she took to her Instagram handle to share a note on her story which asserted her stance on the ongoing rumours as she wrote about the innumerable interview calls coming her way. “I've been getting a humongous amount of requests for interviews and I know exactly what it’s about so, I have to respectfully turn each one down because I am not interested in fueling into ABSOLUTE BS! I believe my energy is not worth spending on RUMOURS. Kindly, respect my privacy. <3 Mo”.
While AR Rahman has not reacted to these reports, his son A R Ameen too took to his Instagram story to react to these rumours, denying them and requested everyone to maintain dignity. His note said, “My father is a legend, not just for his incredible contributions but for the values, respect, and love he has earned over the years. It's disheartening to see false and baseless rumours being spread. Let us all remember the importance of truth and respect when speaking about someone's life and legacy. Please refrain from engaging in or spreading such misinformation. Let's honor and preserve the dignity and the incredible impact he has had on all of us.”
Meanwhile, the legal team of AR Rahman also addressed these rumours. “There is no connection at all. Saira and Mr Rahman made this decision on their own”, they were quoted telling Republic TV recently.
Also Read: AR Rahman marks first social media post after divorce, celebrates HMMA win for The Goat Life