Priyanka Chopra is back in Los Angeles to spend some quality family time before full-fledged promotions of Citadel begin. The actress rang in Easter weekend with celebrations as it marked the first Easter for baby Malti Marie. The actress took to social media to share cutesy photos of her daughter. In a slew of photos shared by Priyanka on Instagram on Sunday, her daughter was wearing a cute romper with ‘Malti Marie’s First Easter’ printed on it. In the second photo, she was donning a matching night suit with Malti Marie. In the next ones, her daughter was playing with Easter eggs and playing with their pet dogs. She captioned the post, “Easter Sunday.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Priyanka (@priyankachopra) Priyanka Chopra was recently in India with her daughter Malti Marie and Nick Jonas. They attended two-night celebration of the NMACC launch. The actress also attended the Asia-Pacific premiere of spy series, Citadel, with Richard Madden in Mumbai. The actress will star in Russo Brothers produced series. Citadel is executive produced by AGBO and showrunner David Weil. Alongside Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden, the 6-episode series features Stanley Tucci and Lesley Manville in pivotal roles. This thrilling spy series, which takes viewers around the world, will premiere exclusively on Prime Video starting April 28 with two episodes and then one episode rolling out weekly through May 26. ALSO READ: Priyanka Chopra shares heart-warming picture of daughter Malti Marie after first trip to India