Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan recently wrapped the schedule of his next project, Fighter, which is India’s first aerial action film. It marks his reunion with Bang Bang and War director Siddharth Anand and it sees him star opposite Deepika Padukone for the first time. The actor says it is a huge-scale project and sees it as a good opportunity. Speaking about Hrithik Roshan’s role to India Today, Siddharth Anand said, “With Hrithik, this is my third film — Bang Bang and War had really different characters. Rajveer and Kabir are two different people and personalities, completely opposite. And Patty, the character he’s playing in Fighter, he’s made it his own. He’s like a chameleon, he just adapts and becomes that character for that one year (when he’s shooting the film). So he can bring a certain genuineness to it that can last over a franchise, it’s not just made up for that moment, he becomes that person. So Patty is really something Hrithik has really worked hard on, different from Kabir and Rajveer. It is really exciting to see him transform like that. It is like a dream for a director to have an actor who just submits himself to that film for so long. He is a joy.” Talking about Deepika Padukone’s role, he added, “Like I said, my female parts are really strong, and very exciting. Deepika is also playing an Air Force officer (in Fighter). She’s a part of the elite unit of the Air Force, and it’s based on a lot of reality and authenticity. Something that Deepika has also bitten into. It is something that she’s not played before. And honestly, it’s a lot like her in real life, the character that she’s playing. She’s so much fun on set and she’s translating that character to be a real good takkar to Hrithik’s character, so it is very exciting. It’s fun!” Meanwhile, Siddharth Anand recently collaborated with Deepika Padukone for Pathaan. On the other hand, Hrithik Roshan was last seen in the Hindi remake of Vikram Vedha with Saif Ali Khan. Deepika Padukone has an array of line up including a film with Prabhas and Nag Ashwin, The Intern remake, Singham Again and more. ALSO READ: "I will constantly innovate to disrupt" - says Pathaan director Siddharth Anand