Tamannaah Bhatia has acted in numerous successful Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi movies over the years. The diva has now collaborated with director Madhur Bhandarkar for the Junglee Pictures film Babli Bouncer. On Monday, the Babli Bouncer trailer released. The more than two-minute-long trailer, which followed Tamannaah's transition from a bodybuilder in Fatehpur Beri to a bouncer at a Delhi nightclub, was shared by Disney+ Hotstar on its YouTube account.
Tamannaah Bhatia looked lovely when she came at the trailer launch event wearing a floral coordinated outfit from the Kanika Goyal label. The velvet-textured outfit by Tamannaah Bhatia has white flower patterns on it. Along with it, she wore a pair of silver pumps. Tam pulled off the look with the utmost ease and confidence, and we are completely in love with it. Tamannaah Bhatia completed her Ami Patel-styled look with neutral makeup, flushed cheeks, and a subdued pink lip colour. Tamannaah had her hair loose and gently curled. She managed to boost her style ante with a pair of statement black and gold earrings.
The family entertainer is all set to release on September 23 on Disney+ Hotstar in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages. It also stars Abhishek Bajaj, Saanand Verma, Saurabh Shukla, and Supriya Shukla in important roles. Apart from this, Tamannaah has other interesting projects coming up as well. Tamannaah Bhatia will feature in Nagashekar’s romantic drama, Gurthunda Seethakalam. She also has movies like Bole Chudiyan, Bhola Shankar, Chor Nikal Ke Bhaaga and Yen Endru Kadhal Enben coming up in 2022.
ACTRESS: Tamannaah Bhatia
OUTFIT: Kanika Goyal
STYLIST : Ami Patel
JEWELLERY: Viange Vintage
HAIR : Seema Mane
MAKE-UP: Divya Chablani
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