Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor and her brother Siddhanth Kapoor celebrated their dad, actor Shakti Kapoor's 70th birthday, in the filmiest way possible. The duo got a custom-made cake for their father, which had his iconic role Crime Master Gogo dolls on it. The actor played the role in the 1994 film, Andaz Apna Apna.
Sharing the photos on her Instagram on Saturday, she shared in the caption, “My Birthday Baapu!!! @shaktikapoor I love you Hope I can make you half as proud as you.”
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On the work front, Shraddha Kapoor was last seen in the 2020 movie Baaghi 3 with Tiger Shroff. She is currently shooting for her next film with Ranbir Kapoor. The movie is helmed by Luv Ranjan and is set for Holi 2023 release.