Nimrat Kaur was recently spotted at Maddock Office for the mahurat puja marking the initiation of the shoot of her upcoming title Happy Teacher's Day. She completely mesmerized her fans with her aesthetic floral outfit at the mahuratam. The occasion was a vibrant one with the actress offering prasadam to goddess Lakshmi and seeking blessings for the film's success.
Dinesh Vijan presents 'Happy Teachers Day' will take the audience on an unusual ride with the portrayal of the struggles of Teachers. The recently released teaser of the film gave a Hatke vibe and the fans quite let out their eagerness to watch it. The film stars Nimrat Kaur and Radhika Madan in lead roles and is one awaited film coming from Maddock Production.
Happy Teacher's Day is directed by Mikhil Musale and is set to hit the screens on Teachers Day 2023.