Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, starring Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani and Tabu, has opened to great collections at the box office. Helmed by Anees Bazmee, the film opened to Rs. 14.11 crore and will see upward trend in the coming days. As film is witnessing good response at the box office, the some peers from the industry have taken to social media to congratulate the team. Vivek Agnihotri, director of The Kashmir Files, has congratulated Kartik Aaryan.
Congratulating Kartik on the film’s success, Vivek Agnihotri took to Twitter and wrote, “Lots of congratulations and love to @TheAaryanKartik for wonderful success. Let your work speak and never forget to Ekla Chalo Re.”
Lots of congratulations and love to @TheAaryanKartik for wonderful success. Let your work speak and never forget to Ekla Chalo Re. ❤️
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) May 21, 2022
With the Bhushan Kumar – Murad Khetani produced Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 now out, Kartik has a line-up of massive films ahead too including, Shehzada, Captain India, Freddy, and Sajid Nadiadwala's untitled next.