Aamir Khan and ex-wife Reena Dutta's daughter Ira Khan had a perfect weekend ringing in her birthday with her family and boyfriend Nupur Shikhare. Ira, who turned 25 on Sunday, was seen enjoying her day with poolside party. Her boyfriend gave a glimpse of the bash and cake cutting moments on social media.
Many pictures from the birthday bash have taken over the internet. We have inside pictures in which Ira Khan is seen posing with her boyfriend Nupur Shikhare, cutting cake next to her parents Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta and step brother Azad Rao Khan and Kiran Rao.
Ira Khan made her directorial debut with a play Medea in 2019.
Meanwhile, Aamir Khan will be seen in Laal Singh Chaddha, Indian adaptation of Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump. The film will release in August 2022.