Bollywood's favorite couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor got married on 14th April at the Kapoor ancestral house Vaastu in Mumbai with just their close family and friends in attendance. Several photos and videos have surfaced online since their marriage. Now, Pooja Bhatt has shared precious photos of Ranbir and Mahesh Bhatt.
In the two photos shared on Instagram, Mahesh Bhatt is seen giving a hug to his son-in-law Ranbir Kapoor. Pooja Bhatt captioned the post, "Who needs words when one has the ability to listen & speak from the heart?"
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Soni Razdan, on the other hand, shared a series of family photos. In one picture, Ranbir's mom Neetu Kapoor, sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and brother-in-law Bharat Sahni joined Mahesh Bhatt, Soni Razdan and Shaheen Bhatt.
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In another picture, Soni's sister, daughter Shaheen Bhatt and Mahesh Bhatt's kids from first marriage, Pooja Bhatt and Rahul Bhatt were in attendance.
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Soni Razdan also shared a new set of wedding pictures of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor.
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Lastly, she shared a photo with newlyweds Ranbir and Alia, filmmakers Karan Johar and Ayan Mukerji, Alia's maternal grandfather and other family members.
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Moreover, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor will star together for the first time in Brahmastra releasing on September 9, 2022.