The RRR trio SS Rajamouli, Ram Charan, and Jr NTR have taken the box office by storm. The film has crossed Rs. 1000 crore at the Global Box office and the Hindi version of the film alone has crossed Rs. 200 crore at the box office. To celebrate the humongous success of the film, Pen Studios' Dr. Jayantilala Gada hosted a success party in Mumbai. The event was also graced by Aamir Khan and Karan Johar among other celebrities from the Hindi film industry.
At the event in Mumbai on Wednesday evening, Karan Johar spoke highly of RRR and SS Rajamouli. He said that he aspires to be a student of the filmmaker's cinema. "SS Rajamouli is a true genius and visionary. He has the imagination of a genius child. That imagination that children think of, he has the ability to go out there and execute it like a true visionary. When I first saw Baahubali I thought I had never seen something like that on the silver screen of Indian cinema. Then I saw Baahubali 2 and I thought ‘Oh my God! How do you up that? And do it with such aplomb’. And then you see 'RRR' and you’re like this is too good to be true,” the filmmaker said.
“This man, this maverick filmmaker cannot be real, you have to touch him to feel him and be convinced he’s real. You have to come to terms with the fact that this kind of talent is real and it can exist. I feel, S S Rajamouli is the biggest filmmaker that our country has probably ever seen. We must applaud him and his team for consistently upping the bar of Indian cinema. The standards are set by SS Rajamouli and we aspire to be students of that kind of cinema. We can try and execute what he has given to cinema on a platter,” he added.
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