Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are all set to tie the knot on April 14 in an intimate ceremony at the former's Bandra home. While the couple has kept mum about the impending nuptials, the wedding venue has been adorned with lights and flowers confirming the same. Ahead of the celebrity wedding, Ranbir's mother and actress Neetu Kapoor took to her Instagram handle to share a picture of her engagement ceremony with Rishi Kapoor.
Neetu and Rishi Kapoor got engaged 43 years ago on April 13. On Wednesday morning, Neetu took to her Instagram feed to share a black-and-white picture from their engagement ceremony. In the picture, Rishi Kapoor can be seen putting the ring on Neetu's finger.
"Fond memories of baisakhi day as we got engaged 43 years back on 13th April 1979," Neetu captioned the post.
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Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor is all set to tie the knot with Alia Bhatt. The two have been dating ever since they started working on the film Brahmastra. While the film is yet to release, their relationship has since bloomed and they are all set to make their relationship legal. The wedding festivities will commence on April 13 at Ranbir's Bandra home, Vastu. The Mehendi and haldi functions will be held today while the wedding rituals will commence on Thursday evening.