Indian cricketer Virat Kohli on Tuesday shared a new selfie with his wife Anushka Sharma. The picture also gives a glimpse of their daughter Vamika’s play area. Virat captioned the post with a red heart emoji.
The photo shows him smiling from ear-to-ear, as Anushka posed in a striped T-shirt next to him. Virat is currently playing in the Indian Premier League, for the Royal Challengers Bangalore.
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Anushka Sharma's who has been on a break after the release of 2018 film Zero, recently announced that she’d starring in cricket biopic Chakda Xpress, in which she’ll play fast bowler Jhulan Goswami. Though she has remained busy as a producer, she announced recently that she will be stepping down from her production house Clean Slate Filmz, leaving her brother Karrnesh in charge.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma tied the knot in a close-knit ceremony in Italy’s Lake Como in December 2017. They welcomed Vamika in January 2021.