On Friday night, Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu were clicked together in Mumbai. This is the first time the two stars were seen together and the paparazzi could not control their excitement to click them together. The paparazzi gathered around the two to click them and Varun was seen protecting Samantha from getting mobbed as he walked her towards her car.
Varun Dhawan was spotted in a casual orange tee which he paired with denim. Meanwhile, Samantha looked gorgeous in a hoodie. In videos surfacing on social media, Varun can be seen getting a little protective of Samantha and shielding her from the paparazzi. In the video, Varun can be seen telling the paps to not scare Samantha. "Darao mat, kyun dara rahe ho isko? (Do not scare her. Why are you scaring here?)" he could be heard saying.
Meanwhile, last year it was reported that Varun and Samantha will be collaborating for the Indian spin-off of Anthony and Joe Russo's Citadel. The American drama series created by the makers of Avengers also stars Priyanka Chopra Jonas. The Indian spin-off of Citadel will be directed by Raj and DK who have directed the acclaimed web series The Family Man for Amazon Prime Video. This will be the first time that Varun and Samantha will be seen sharing screen. Meanwhile, Samantha had earlier collaborated with Raj and DK for the series The Family Man 2.
The series is expected to go on floors later this year and will be mounted on a large scale and the actors will be undergoing training and workshops to learn various forms of action next year before they start shooting.