Shanaya Kapoor, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut in Bedhadak, has splurged a whopping Rs. 80 lakh on a swanky Audi Q7 SUV car. The debutante, who is the daughter of actor Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor, was seen striking a pose with a car and her name on the number plate.
Shanaya Kapoor was seen with her parents Sanjay and Maheep on Tuesday striking a pose with the car. Her swanky new ride, Audi Q7 Facelift is worth Rs. 80 lakh.
The 2022 version comes in two variants - Premium Plus (Rs. 80 lakh) and Technology (Rs. 88 lakh).
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Helmed by Shashank Khaitan, Bedhadak stars Shanaya Kapoor alongside Laksya Lalwani and Gurfateh Pirzada.