Janhvi Kapoor turned showstopper for designer Punit Balana on Day 4 of the FDCI x Lakme Fashion Week’ as she unveiled his new collection “Lakshmi”. She looked resplendent in a brick maroon colour lehenga with exquisite dull gold zardozi & gota embroidery. She walked the ramp with elan and made the audience cheer & clap for her with her aadaab, namaste and twirls! She combined her lehenga with beautiful earrings and polki bangles by Vasundhra Jewellers.
Designer Punit Balana’s new collection, “Lakshmi” as the name suggests takes inspiration from the journey of this young, urbane, cosmopolitan girl, Lakshmi, who is well travelled, have explored the world fashion, yet is very rooted. She is returning to India to attend a friend’s wedding after the pandemic. The collection is inspired by the thought process of how she would like to look when she meets her friends for the first time at the airport to what she would like to wear for the Haldi ceremony. A collection very close to Punit as he returns to the physical runway after two years, “Lakshmi” encapsulates the entire journey of this free-spirited girl from the time she meets her close ones to the time she says goodbye to them.
“So I could relate to Lakshmi in Janhvi so much. She’s young, she’s modern, she’s experimental. She wants to try new fashion trends. She was my 1st choice to showcase this collection”, shared designer Punit Balana.
Talking about the collection, designer Punit Balana further added, “ It is a rich hand-crafted collection. Natural hand dyes, Natural colors, vegetable hand block printing with inspiration from Jaipur & Rajasthan are beautifully presented in the collection. Bold prints and differently constructed silhouettes & blouses make this collection very different”.
Talking about her outfit, Janhvi Kapoor said, “It’s the most comfortable lehenga I’ve been in, for sure. Having said that, the comfort isn’t compromising on the decadence or the richness of it, It’s beautiful and it’s great to wear in summers. It’s so true to Punit’s vision, and his clothes in general.”
She also opened up about walking the ramp after years and added, “I had a lot of fun and it was different being here after two years. I forgot about the madness that happens backstage, there’s such amazing energy and everyone’s so excited. It definitely lived up to the hype.”
Professionally, Janhvi has quite a few films lined up. She will be shooting for Mr. And Mrs. Mahi alongside Rajkummar Rao for which she has been taking cricket lessons. She also recently wrapped up the shoot of Good Luck Jerry and Milli.
ACTOR: Janhvi Kapoor
OUTFIT: Punit Balana
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