The grand destination wedding of Bollywood stars Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal is just a few days away. Several details related to the arrangement of the wedding in Rajasthan have been making their way to the internet. The wedding will take place at Fort Barwara from December 7 to December 10.
The bride and groom are expected to reach the venue on December 6, a day before the wedding festivities commence. Ahead of the wedding, the preparations are going on in full swing. Recently, the bride to be Katrina was spotted outside a physiotherapy clinic in Mumbai. The actress is there for a small workout session and routinely check-up. The actress was in a casual look donning neon green joggers and a white top. Along with it, she wore white sneakers, sunglasses and a black mask. She looked all enthusiastic as she waved the paparazzi.
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Before Katrina and Vicky, the family members and other guests will start reaching the venue at Jaipur from December 5 onwards. The wedding will also be attended by several A-listers from Bollywood.