Bollywood Actor Janhvi Kapoor created her version of the popular ‘Pooja-what-is-this-behaviour’ catfight from Bigg Boss. The actor, who regularly entertains fans with her new and innovative Reels, shared the latest video in which she impersonated model Pooja Mishra on the reality show, fighting with her friend, who played Pooja’s helpless housemate Shonali Nagrani.
Janhvi Kapoor shared the video with the caption, “Do you guys think I need help?” Her friends and fans flooded the comments section with laughing emoticons, while Janhvi’s half-brother Arjun Kapoor wrote, “Yes.” Her friend, Shanaya Kapoor, commented, “I am praying for you.”
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For the ones who aren’t aware, Janhvi’s latest reel is a parody of the squabble between the ex-contestants Pooja Mishra and Shonali Nagrani that took place on Bigg Boss 5. During the episode, Pooja angrily broke a broom, while Shonali asked her, “Pooja, what is this behaviour?” Shonali said that Pooja was out of line, but that didn’t sit well with Pooja. The fight took a new turn when Pooja asked Shonali if she was ‘dying’ to be hit. The audio from this argument went viral and has now become meme-fodder.
Janhvi was recently seen in Roohi, along with actors Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma. Her upcoming projects include the Aanand L Rai-produced Good Luck Jerry, Dostana 2, and Takht. Recently, she announced that she had just wrapped filming Mili, which has been produced by her father Boney Kapoor.