Shilpa Shetty, who is known for her witness, always inspires fans with her fitness routine. Recently, she shared a video on her Instagram handle where her son Viaan Raj Kundra is teaching yoga to her little sister Samisha Shetty Kundra.
The post was captioned as, “Kids are like wet clay. We must mould their approach towards a healthier lifestyle early. Inculcating the habit of enjoying a balanced diet, staying fit, and gaining control over the mind & soul is crucial. That’s exactly what I’ve tried to do with Viaan; and now, to see him take over the role and teaching his little follower, Samisha, makes me so proud Seeing them bond over Yoga is truly the kind of Monday Motivation I need to stay fit and healthy… with them and for them. Have a great week ahead, my #InstaFam .”
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A few days back, her husband Raj Kundra got bail in the pornography case. On September 20, a Mumbai court granted him bail on a surety of Rs 50,000.
On the work front, Shilpa is currently busy judging the dance reality show, alongside Geeta Kapur and Anurag Basu.