Actor Emraan Hashmi on Thursday took to his Instagram and revealed that he's travelling to Turkey. Emraan shared a post in which he posed for a selfie in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Mumbai. He was seen wearing a black t-shirt with a matching face mask and cool shades. Sharing the post the 42-year-old actor wrote, "Catching a red eye flight to !! ✈️".
As soon as he dropped his glamorous selfie, it has left his fans and netizens intrigued if he'll join the star cast of Tiger 3 in Turkey. According to various reports, Emraan is all set to play a pivotal role in Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif starrer espionage drama. However, there hasn't been any confirmation by the actor yet. Various sources have also revealed that Salman Khan and the team have wrapped up his 5-day shoot in Russia and moving to Istanbul Turkey for the next schedule for the film.
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Earlier this year, Tiger 3 went on floors in Mumbai. After shooting some significant portions, Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif and director Maneesh Sharma flew to Russia. A source told us some days back “Tiger 3’s shoot is currently taking place in the city of St Petersburg. The Russia schedule began with a grand car chase action sequence. The Indian and Russian units seemed very well prepared and also adhered to the Covid-19 safety guidelines. Also, the Russian authorities are providing complete cooperation so that the shoot takes place without any hiccups.”
Helmed by Maneesh Sharma Tiger 3 was earlier put on hold due to the second wave of Covid-19. It is the third instalment of the spy thriller franchise Ek Tha Tiger directed by Kabir Khan released in 2012 and Tiger Zinda Hai released in 2017 and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar.