Actors Charu Asopa and Rajeev Sen, who are expecting their first baby together recently, bought a new house. On Sunday, they shared pictures from the baby shower, which was conducted at their new home on social media.
Taking to Instagram, Rajeev wrote, “Our first baby shower pics from the balcony of our new house.” Even Charu shared the same pictures on her handle with similar caption. Rajeev was seen wearing a cream-coloured kurta with white pyajamas, while Charu was beautifully carrying an orange and red bandhni print lehenga. She coordinated her look with a heavy maang tika, earings and a choker set.
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In a conversation with a leading daily, Rajeev said that the baby shower was attended by some close people, including his sister Sushmita Sen, her boyfriend Rohman Shawl and her daughters Renee and Alisah, and some neighbours. “We had a great time, followed by some really yummy and nice home-cooked food that we ate after the function,” he said.
Talking about their new home, Rajeev said, “It is a blessing that we got this house at the right time. I say this because our baby is also coming soon. We would like to see this house as a house for our new baby. Charu is seven months pregnant now. God is kind. We had booked this property a few months ago. We have got the designers on board and work will start very soon.”
The couple got married in Goa on June 7, 2019. They made the pregnancy announcement in May this year.